Category: Business intelligence

Business intelligence

Using Sigma with Mozart Data

  Overview Hey there – we’re diving into an exciting walkthrough of how to integrate Sigma Computing (“Sigma”), a business

Business intelligence

The SQL Hurdle

This post was written by Shai Weener on Mozart’s data analyst team.  A couple of years ago, as I was

Business intelligence

The key is flexibility

This blog post was written by Mozart Data Co-Founder and CEO, Peter Fishman.  It’s quite common for an executive to

Business intelligence

Data Strategy for Marketing Agencies

Unlock the power of data with a strategic approach for marketing agencies. Improve client reporting and analytics with a data strategy for marketing agencies.

Business intelligence

Data Strategy for SaaS Companies

Learn how B2B SaaS companies can operate as a data-driven organization with a customized data strategy. Discover the benefits of a modern data platform like Mozart. Read now for data strategy for SaaS companies.

Business intelligence

Data Transformation in Business Intelligence

Learn how data transformation in business intelligence can make your data reliable, usable, and meaningful. Discover the four types of data transformation and how to automate the process with Mozart Data.