Category: Education

Business intelligence

Using Sigma with Mozart Data

  Overview Hey there – we’re diving into an exciting walkthrough of how to integrate Sigma Computing (“Sigma”), a business

Data analysis

Is Steph Curry a Good Shooter?

This post was written by Mozart Data Co-Founder and CEO, Peter Fishman.  In 2015, I became a season ticket holder


Everyone Uses Data

This post was written by Shai Weener on Mozart’s data analyst team.  I was on a hike through the Marin

Business intelligence

The SQL Hurdle

This post was written by Shai Weener on Mozart’s data analyst team.  A couple of years ago, as I was


Using a Snowflake Data Warehouse for Braze

Braze’s customer engagement platform handles massive data. Savvy users want a Snowflake data warehouse for Braze to make the most of their data, but this raises challenges.

Business intelligence

The key is flexibility

This blog post was written by Mozart Data Co-Founder and CEO, Peter Fishman.  It’s quite common for an executive to

Data analysis

Joining the SaaS World

This post was written by Shai Weener on Mozart’s data analyst team.    It was ~ my 4th day at

data integration

6 Key Benefits of Integrating dbt into Mozart 🚀

We integrated dbt Core into Mozart as another transformation layer, paired with our existing SQL-based transformation layer. dbt is a great tool that allows data teams to collaboratively build, test, and deploy data models. Now organizations have maximum flexibility to run the data models they want in a single pipeline