Category: Modern data stack


Everyone Uses Data

This post was written by Shai Weener on Mozart’s data analyst team.  I was on a hike through the Marin

data integration

7 Key Benefits of Integrating dbt into Mozart 🚀

We integrated dbt Core into Mozart as another transformation layer, paired with our existing SQL-based transformation layer. dbt is a great tool that allows data teams to collaboratively build, test, and deploy data models. Now organizations have maximum flexibility to run the data models they want in a single pipeline

Black and white close up photo of a woman with a slight smile.
Modern data stack

Why I Joined Mozart Data

  In December 2020, Kritika Dusad joined Mozart Data as their third engineer after working as a contract Python Developer

Young woman in summer clothes and sunglasses sitting on the pavement floor and smiling.
Modern data stack

My Journey to Mozart Data

  I’ve always found the inner workings of how to run and grow a business exciting. My first job out